Sunday, October 19, 2008



"We have had a mission.

And it now is accomplished..

Blood still on the ground..
But I feel accomplished.."

We've got all these henchmen
Causin all this tension

Not fighting the good fight
just worryin about their pension.

Afraid cause no people are standing in line
to buy a new car, to "improve" their lives

Failing to have Just priorities

Worried about buying cars
instead of children we could feed.

I don't know
maybe it's just me
but I think we've got it all wrong,
I think there's more to see

Wake up man!
This "stimulous" package
Won't help a thing
Just cause more wreckage

And leave our problems to our children

And leave our children with a message:
"You do what you want
you will succeed,
Make bad choices
there's no such thing
as Consequence.

Responsibility for your actions has no precedent.

And even though one day it'll come to fruition...
We didn't suffer.. we just expanded your mission.."


Educate the Vote.

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